This enum defines the meanings of the different styles used by the HTML lexer.
Enumerator |
Default | The default.
Tag | A tag.
UnknownTag | An unknown tag.
Attribute | An attribute.
UnknownAttribute | An unknown attribute.
HTMLNumber | An HTML number.
HTMLDoubleQuotedString | An HTML double-quoted string.
HTMLSingleQuotedString | An HTML single-quoted string.
OtherInTag | Other text within a tag.
HTMLComment | An HTML comment.
Entity | An entity.
XMLTagEnd | The end of an XML style tag.
XMLStart | The start of an XML fragment.
XMLEnd | The end of an XML fragment.
Script | A script tag.
ASPAtStart | The start of an ASP fragment with .
ASPStart | The start of an ASP fragment.
PHPStart | The start of a PHP fragment.
HTMLValue | An unquoted HTML value.
ASPXCComment | An ASP X-Code comment.
SGMLDefault | The default for SGML.
SGMLCommand | An SGML command.
SGMLParameter | The first parameter of an SGML command.
SGMLDoubleQuotedString | An SGML double-quoted string.
SGMLSingleQuotedString | An SGML single-quoted string.
SGMLError | An SGML error.
SGMLSpecial | An SGML special entity.
SGMLEntity | An SGML entity.
SGMLComment | An SGML comment.
SGMLParameterComment | A comment with the first parameter of an SGML command.
SGMLBlockDefault | The default for an SGML block.
JavaScriptStart | The start of a JavaScript fragment.
JavaScriptDefault | The default for JavaScript.
JavaScriptComment | A JavaScript comment.
JavaScriptCommentLine | A JavaScript line comment.
JavaScriptCommentDoc | A JavaDoc style JavaScript comment.
JavaScriptNumber | A JavaScript number.
JavaScriptWord | A JavaScript word.
JavaScriptKeyword | A JavaScript keyword.
JavaScriptDoubleQuotedString | A JavaScript double-quoted string.
JavaScriptSingleQuotedString | A JavaScript single-quoted string.
JavaScriptSymbol | A JavaScript symbol.
JavaScriptUnclosedString | The end of a JavaScript line where a string is not closed.
JavaScriptRegex | A JavaScript regular expression.
ASPJavaScriptStart | The start of an ASP JavaScript fragment.
ASPJavaScriptDefault | The default for ASP JavaScript.
ASPJavaScriptComment | An ASP JavaScript comment.
ASPJavaScriptCommentLine | An ASP JavaScript line comment.
ASPJavaScriptCommentDoc | An ASP JavaDoc style JavaScript comment.
ASPJavaScriptNumber | An ASP JavaScript number.
ASPJavaScriptWord | An ASP JavaScript word.
ASPJavaScriptKeyword | An ASP JavaScript keyword.
ASPJavaScriptDoubleQuotedString | An ASP JavaScript double-quoted string.
ASPJavaScriptSingleQuotedString | An ASP JavaScript single-quoted string.
ASPJavaScriptSymbol | An ASP JavaScript symbol.
ASPJavaScriptUnclosedString | The end of an ASP JavaScript line where a string is not closed.
ASPJavaScriptRegex | An ASP JavaScript regular expression.
VBScriptStart | The start of a VBScript fragment.
VBScriptDefault | The default for VBScript.
VBScriptComment | A VBScript comment.
VBScriptNumber | A VBScript number.
VBScriptKeyword | A VBScript keyword.
VBScriptString | A VBScript string.
VBScriptIdentifier | A VBScript identifier.
VBScriptUnclosedString | The end of a VBScript line where a string is not closed.
ASPVBScriptStart | The start of an ASP VBScript fragment.
ASPVBScriptDefault | The default for ASP VBScript.
ASPVBScriptComment | An ASP VBScript comment.
ASPVBScriptNumber | An ASP VBScript number.
ASPVBScriptKeyword | An ASP VBScript keyword.
ASPVBScriptString | An ASP VBScript string.
ASPVBScriptIdentifier | An ASP VBScript identifier.
ASPVBScriptUnclosedString | The end of an ASP VBScript line where a string is not closed.
PythonStart | The start of a Python fragment.
PythonDefault | The default for Python.
PythonComment | A Python comment.
PythonNumber | A Python number.
PythonDoubleQuotedString | A Python double-quoted string.
PythonSingleQuotedString | A Python single-quoted string.
PythonKeyword | A Python keyword.
PythonTripleSingleQuotedString | A Python triple single-quoted string.
PythonTripleDoubleQuotedString | A Python triple double-quoted string.
PythonClassName | The name of a Python class.
PythonFunctionMethodName | The name of a Python function or method.
PythonOperator | A Python operator.
PythonIdentifier | A Python identifier.
ASPPythonStart | The start of an ASP Python fragment.
ASPPythonDefault | The default for ASP Python.
ASPPythonComment | An ASP Python comment.
ASPPythonNumber | An ASP Python number.
ASPPythonDoubleQuotedString | An ASP Python double-quoted string.
ASPPythonSingleQuotedString | An ASP Python single-quoted string.
ASPPythonKeyword | An ASP Python keyword.
ASPPythonTripleSingleQuotedString | An ASP Python triple single-quoted string.
ASPPythonTripleDoubleQuotedString | An ASP Python triple double-quoted string.
ASPPythonClassName | The name of an ASP Python class.
ASPPythonFunctionMethodName | The name of an ASP Python function or method.
ASPPythonOperator | An ASP Python operator.
ASPPythonIdentifier | An ASP Python identifier.
PHPDefault | The default for PHP.
PHPDoubleQuotedString | A PHP double-quoted string.
PHPSingleQuotedString | A PHP single-quoted string.
PHPKeyword | A PHP keyword.
PHPNumber | A PHP number.
PHPVariable | A PHP variable.
PHPComment | A PHP comment.
PHPCommentLine | A PHP line comment.
PHPDoubleQuotedVariable | A PHP double-quoted variable.
PHPOperator | A PHP operator.